"Any sufficiently advanced
technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke
"Not everything that can be counted counts; and not everything that counts can be counted." -- Albert Einstein
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research,
would it?" - Albert Einstein
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ASFB - Australian Society For Fish Biology
Birds Australia
Live Monarch [Butterfly] website &
Live Monarch Foundation Butterfly Wish fund
Asia Pacific Systems Engineering
ARS Genome Database Resource
Food Biosciences -
a brief guide to internet resources (Reading University)
Botany, Plant Biology and Science Journals
EMSL - Theory, Modeling and Simulation
Threatened Species Foundation of Australia
Evolution and Ethics
Natural History Museum (U.K.)
Environment Australia
ECWA - Environment Centre of West Australia
100 Top Environment Sites
Global Futures Foundation
Global Climate Coalition >>
Climate links
Wildlife Conservation Society
Conservation Action Network
WWF - World Wildlife Fund
EII - Earth Island Institute
EcoLogic Development Fund
The TRAFFIC Network
IUCN - World Conservation Union >>
Species Survival Commission (SSC)
IFAW - International Fund for Animal Welfare
WZO - World Zoo Organisation
CDM Bazaar (Kyoto clean development mechanism)
Our World-Underwater Scholarship Society (science links page)
Bjřrn Lomborg
>> The Skeptical Environmentalist
Australian WWW Servers - Environment
National Center for Biotechnology Information
ECO ASIA - Environment Congress for Asia and the Pacific
e*pub - Electronic Publications in Medicine, Biology, Health
Man In Nature
The Butterfly Website
>> How do you say "butterfly"?
The Butterfly Effect
Photobiology Online
Dinosaura On-line
>> Dinosauria Translation and Pronunciation Guide
Biocompare - product information, reviews, and new technologies for life scientists
Funny science videos (for industry professionals)
An Inconvenient Truth
Download the Study Guide
The Australian Survivalist
- TEOTWAWKI - The End Of The World As We Know It (with a chart showing the possible causes
and likelihood of a major catastrophe in the next ten years)
ISCID - The International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design
Evolution (a few facets of a vast topic) ...
The Dismal Scientist - Economy.com
The Economist
The Future Just Happened
Pulse of Capitalism
Futures and Foresight ...
World Futures Studies Federation
- Australian Foresight Institute
- The Futures Foundation
- The Futures Foundation (Australia)
- World Future Society
- World Futures Studies Federation
- Foresight Journal
- Futures
- Future Survey
- Futures Research Quarterly
- International Journal of Future Studies
- Journal of Time and Society
- New Renaissance
- Future Tool Kit
- Futurecasts
- Strategic Forecasting
- Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies
- Foundation for the Future
- Innovation in Industry
- Institute for Alternative Futures
- Institute for the Future
- Technology Futures, Inc
- 2100 Organisatsion
- Open Directory Project on the Future
- Singularity Watch
- Disinformation
- Looking Forward (a web resource for foresight in government)
- Global Uprising
Spiral Dynamics
Foresight Institute
NanoTechnology Magazine
- Sustainability / Biomimicry ...
( Design Inspired by Nature )
- ~~~~
about Global Warming (and related issues)
- Basic Questions
- Thought-provoking videos by a science teacher's
(Greg Craven):
The Most
Terrifying Video You'll Ever See -
How It All Ends
- How It All
Ends: God's Will (and others)
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World Climate Widget
NASA JPL - Climate Change Key Indicators
~~~~~~~~~~~~ TOPICAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Eight Technologies That Will Change the World
- Famous Australian Ideas and Innovations
The Atheist Alliance
>> Creationism vs. Evolution
Long Bets - "Accountable predictions"
Donald SImanek's pages
>> Uses and Misuses of Logic
Future Tense podcasts (ABC Australia Radio National)
SCIgen - An Automatic CS Paper Generator
Scholarly Societies Project >>
Organization Web Sites -
Union of International Associations
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
- American National Standards Institute
Standards Association
& Communication Standards & Organizations
The Software & Information Industry Association - SIIA
- Software Engineering Institute
ISOC - The Internet Society
Mutual Internet Practices Association (MIPA)
Berkman Center for Internet & Society
- The BA - British Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Association for Artificial Intelligence - AAAI
- US National Academies - Science, Engineering, Medicine
- National Academy Press
- International Assoc. of Mathematical Physics
- Mathematical Societies ...
American - European -
Australian - Women
in Mathematics - Clay
Mathematics Institute -
Mathematical Programming Society
- WITSA - World Information Technology and Services Alliance
- NASSCOM - Indian National Association of Software and Services Companies
- Japan Information Technology Services Industry Association
- Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
- Information Technology Association of Canada
CIAR - Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
- Standards Australia
- American Chemical Society
- Australian Academy of Science
Australian Skeptics
Pearcey Foundation (Australia)
- Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
- AGIMO - Australian Government Information Management Office
ATUG - The Australian Telecommunications Users Group
- ACS - Australian Computer Society
IPA - Institute of Public Affairs (Australia)
CEDA - Committee for Economic Development of Australia
SEA - Software Engineering Australia
DSTC - Distributed Systems Technology Centre
- AIMIA - Australian Interactive Multimedia Industry Association
- AIIA - Australian Information Industry Association
- InternetNZ - The Internet Society of New Zealand
- Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
CompTIA - the Computing Technology Industry Association
SAGE AU - The System Administrators Guild of Australia
- ACM - Association for Computing Machinery
- IEEE Computer Society
ITU - International Telecommunications Union
- American Society for Information Science & Technology
Charles Babbage Institute - Center for the History of Information
The British Computer Society
The International School for Scientific Computing
- AJIS - The Australian Journal of Information Systems
The Index of Information Systems Journals
- ASOCIO - Asian Oceanian Computing Industry Organization
- SEARCC - South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation
- NSTDA - National Science and Technology Development Agency
- ITIC - Information Technology Industry Council
The National Center for Supercomputing Applications
TOP500 Supercomputer Sites
- San Diego Supercomputer Center
- NCITS - National Committee for Information Technology Standards
INCITS - InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards
- CompTIA - Computing Technology Industry Association
- ITAA - Information Technology Association of America
- Computer Science Teachers Association
- ISTWeb -
Information Society Technologies programme of The European Commission
- Computing Research Association
- CoRR - The Computing Research Repository
>> Computer Science repository
- Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity
Information Science Hall of Fame
- NACSE - National Association of Communication Systems Engineers
IASA - International Association of Software Architects
- INNS - International Neural Network Socuety
>> Simple COMA
- AAAI - American Association for Artificial Intelligence
>> AI organizations
- NSTA -
Quantum Magazine
- Worldwatch Institute
- IASP - International Association of Science Parks
- eGov links
>> List of Commissions, Institutes, Think Tanks, Organizations, Lobbyists
>> US Federal,
US City- County - Local,
Worldwide Government Sites
- DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
- FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- Center for Democracy and Technology
- Center for Digital Government
- Merde - Excursions in Scientific, Cultural, and Sociohistorical Coprology
- Space Guard organizations
- Asia Pacific Public Health Nutrition Association
- GETF - Global Environment & Technology Foundation -
GNET - Global Network or Environment & Technology
E-commerce Associations
- The Globus Project
- GGF - Global Grid Forum
- Clearinghouse For Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education
- AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science
- AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research
- MAA - The Mathematical Association of America
- Antarctica Online - Australian Antarctic Division
Science Industry Australia
- NIFS - National Institute of
Forensic Science (Australia)
The Alliance for Community Technology
FAS - Federation of American Scientists
- PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Center for the Public Domain
Pugwash online
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
- Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)
- Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL)
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
- National Energy Research SuperComputer Center (NERSC)
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
- Sandia National Laboratory (SNL)
Apollo 11 =
The first man on the Moon (fullscreen with audio)
- Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures site
Australian Indigenous Astronomy - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander astronomy
- Starchild - A Learning Center for Young Astronomers >>
The Universe
Home Science - Backyard Astronomy Basics
Astronomy - Computer Software Games for Kids
Online interactive games that are a fun way for kids to learn about astronomy -
Fly to Mars, deflect an asteroid. galaxy types, and much more
Starts With A Bang (Ethan Siegel. et al)
- Astronomy Workshop ...
Satellite view of our Earth
Space Weather (spaceweather.com)
Natural Hazards, Disasters and Calamities
The Doomsday Asteroid (past impacts, and recent close calls)
- US National Virtual Observatory
How can we live on Mars? -
a case for Martian expansion
- The Geological
- Eternal Sunset - view a sunset now occurring somewhere in the world!
Sunrise, sunset, daylight in a graph (select your city)
Anatomy of a
Black Hole (Flash demo)
NASA Spaceflight.com
NASA Project Apollo image gallery
Top Astronomy NASA Photos Of All Time
Shipshape Shuttle (MSNBC feature)
NASA Science ...for the benefit of all
THE KNOWN UNIVERSE (video) - What would it look like to travel across the known universe?
How NASA satellites collect global rain data (YouTube)
Global Rainfall - severe weather events with extreme rainfall
Global Positioning System (Wikipedia)
ESA - European Space Agency
Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society
The Nine Planets - A Multimedia Tour of the Solar System
MrEclipse.com (solar and lunar eclipse prediction and photography)
Solar Eclipse (at the Exploratorium)
The Powers of 10 website -
The Powers of 10 video (YouTube)
To Scale - The Solar System
44 Closest Stars and How They Compare to Our Sun
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and
Douglas Adams
Astronomiae Historia / History of Astronomy
- NewScientistSpace.com
- Planetarium & Sky Simulation Software
Stellarium - a free open source planetarium for your computer
Google Moon
- AlphaGalileo -
NASA Astrophysics Data System (search system for Astrophysics, Planetary Sciences, and Solar Physics Abstracts)
- Space Telescope Science Institute
- Global Land Information System (GLIS)
- Astromech.net - Build your own Droid
SEDS - Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
Sloan Digital Sky Survey - SDSS
- SETI - the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Larry Hatch's *U* UFO Database set of
UFO sightings maps
- Hoover Library - Astronomy Resources
- Encyclopedia Astronautica
China National Space Administration
>> English version
Asia Pacific Space Centre
- ISRO - Indian Space Research Organisation
- The Royal Greenwich Observatory (RGO)
- Royal Observatory Edinburgh (ROE)
- Mt. Wilson Observatory
- Griffith Observatory
- The U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO)
- Large Binocular Telescope Observatory (LBTO)
The Most Expensive and Amazing Telescopes In History
- Center for Earth and Planetary Studies (CEPS)
CARA - Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica
- The Astrophysical Journal
- AAS - American Astronomical Society
>> The Astronomical Journal -
The Astrophysical Journal
- The Meteoritical Society
Solar System Tour (AZ SEDS)
- Views Of The Solar System
- Texas A&M University Teaching Observatory
>> Free astronomy software
Top 25 Public Observatories in the USA
Heavens Above - shows when a particular satellite is visible at any given location
- The Star*s Family of Astronomy Resources
- Science and Technology in Australia (many links)
- Heavens-Above - providing information you need to observe satellites
- Project Starshine - twinkling satellites!
Astropix - Catching the Light (astrophotography)
- NOAA - Space Environment Center - space weather alerts, warnings, forecasts
- SpaceWeather.com - latest info about the Sun-Earth environment
- Northern Lights - the Aurora Borealis
- University of Alaska - Aurora: Information and Images -
Geophysical Institute
- West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center
or here
(Click its button to experience a Virtual Earthquake)
- Universe Today
- John Kierein >>
Erroneous Compton Model for the Redshift -
Where are the Quasars? -
Why the Big Bang is Wrong
- The Warming Earth
>> The Big Bang Theory
Pete Skeggs' Science and Space Web Pages
Speculative papers
- MilkyWeb
- Amateur Astronomy Observers Log
Phases of the Moon - TMoon Tool by Andreas Hörstemeier
- Astronomical Institutes of Bonn University
>> History of Astronomy
Monash University Magazine
Modelling Tsunami Waves
Sky & Space magazine
- Skymania
- The Planetary Society Australian Volunteers
- Allentown School District Planetarium (alias "Starry Nights")
- Download free WinStars planetarium
Planet Facts
- Lowell University Asteroid Observing Services -
Astronomical Reference Network (REFNET)
- USNO - U.S. Naval Observatory
- J.R. Stockton's pages ...
Gravity -
Astronomy & Astronautics
- JAS - Jordanian Astronomical Society
>> Astronomical Societies in the Arab World
- Astronomical Applications in Islam
- Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories, Australia
- The Random Factory (scientific software for Linux)
- Astronomy links in the edu domain
- Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia - a catalog of exoplanets
Surya Siddhanta - A 1000+ yea-old Hindu Text Book of Astronomy
American Meteorological Society
Brunei Astronomy -
1st Spot Cosmology
Heavens Above
Atlantis Rising
Pete's Earth Science links
Awesome Astronomy - Top Ten All-time Favorite Astronomy Photos
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Astronomy (Australia)
- Archaeoastronomy.com
- Center for Archaeoastronomy, University of Maryland
Mesoamerican Calendars - the interpretation of prehispanic calendars
Bibliographical References on Mesoamerican Archaeoastronomy
- Aztec Calendar #1
- Aztec Calendar #2
- Online Maya Calendar Converter
- Archaeological Institute of America
- Archaeological Computing Newsletter
- ArchNet
- Current Archaeology
- Internet Archaeology
- Journal of Field Archaeology
- ICOMOS - International Council on Monuments and Sites
Council for Independent Archaeology
- English Heritage Archaeology Division
UK Archaeology on the Internet
- Council for British Archaeology
- Remote Sensing Applications in Archaeology
Getty Information Institute
- Antiquity
- Current Earthquake Info
- Earthquake Information
- Seismo Lab Home Page
- World-Wide Earthquake Locator
- U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
>> USGS: National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project
- US
National Earthquake Information Center
Get the
Earthquakes Meter
Windows gadget (for Windows Vista, and later
releases) ... Also available from
- Geologynet
Meteorite Cratering on Earth
- GEOPlace.com - geospatial information provider
- Natural Hazards
and Risk Maps
Museo Paleontológico Trelew (dinosaurs) -
More info
- Dinosaur Hunter
Vents Program
>> Exploring the Submarine Ring of Fire
Geoscience Australia >>
Earthquakes -
- Volcano Types
- Extreme Science
- Extremely Funny Science ...
- Morse Code links
Derwent Analytics - patent and scientific information
- geometry - "the online learning center"
- KryssTal
>> Astronomy
- Eclipses
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Takashi
Suga's proposal for a Universal Unit System
- In Memoriam - September 11, 2001
>> World Trade Centre - New York - Some Engineering Aspects -
The Skyscraper Museum
- JunkScience.com - "All the junk that's fit to debunk"
- Heptune
>> Songs of Geology and Other Science-Related Jokes and Humor
IMM - Institute for Molecular Manufacturing
Gaia Brain -
Integration of Human Society and the Biosphere
The Lycaeum
>> Memetics publications on the Web
- Blount County Schools - Science page
- Science.net Korea
SAIC - Science Applications International Corporation
Anthonu Aaby
Correspondence Theory -
Sets, Relations, and Functions -
A Taxonomy of Theories -
Perspectives on Scientific and Humanistic Theories -
Epistemology -
Theories of information, meaning and truth -
Systems -
Information Structuring Concepts -
Doctrines & incompleteness
- Relativity (and Einstein) ...
"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler."
The Universe - A Simplified Data Model -
This is "a play with a simplified [database design] model of The Universe, just to illustrate the power of ER Modeling."
Asimov's Laws of Robotics - Implications for Information Technology
... "Unlike fiction writers before him, who regarded robotics as
something to be feared, Asimov saw a promising technological innovation
to be exploited and managed. Indeed, Asimov's stories are experiments
with the enormous potential of information technology."\
Human Computer Interaction in
Science Fiction Movies
Top 100 Sci-Fi Short Stories
Women scientists may publish more, if given a fair chance
scirus -
"the most comprehensive scientific research tool on the web"
- Zymurgy (Brewing science) ...
VinoEnology.com -wine industry solutions
- See also: Web Resources
- Engineering Toolbox >>
Unit Converter with the most Common Units
- Unit Converter
(for mass, time zones, area, angle, length, volume, pressure,
temperature, data storage)
- The Foot Rule (converters)
- How Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement
- Conversion & Calculation Center - byConvertIt.com
- Interactive Units Converter
- Calculators On-Line Center
MSA - Metrology Society of Australia
- RMIT University Fields Of Research Codes
- DEETYA Research Codes
- National Instrument
- How To Become A Teacher -
The Complete Guide To Starting A Teaching Career in 2017
Butterflies In Your Playground (submitted
by PlaygroundEquipment, Indianapolis)
- Tesla Down Under (Dr Peter Terren - West Australia)
- Green Electronics Council - GEC
-- Stated mission: Inspire and support the effective design,
manufacture, use and recovery of electronic products to contribute to a
healthy, fair and prosperous world.
Einstein Light - multimedia modules that present the main ideas of relativity,
with background info about mechanics and Galilean relativity; electricity, magnetism and relativity (Maxwell);
the principle of Special Relativity; relativistic mechanics leads to
E = mc2 ;
how relativity implies time dilation, and more.
- The Funneled Web -
"set up to inform those who access it of what's happening in Australia and the rest of the world
that will increasingly affect our standard of living and well being, this year, this decade and beyond."
Did The Universe Just Happen?
- "Digital physics" ... Ed Fredkin thinks that the universe is a computer. ...
According to his theory of digital physics, information is more
fundamental than matter and energy. He believes that atoms, electrons,
and quarks consist ultimately of bits—binary units of information, like
those that are the currency of computation in a personal computer or a
pocket calculator. And he believes that the behavior of those bits, and
thus of the entire universe, is governed by a single programming rule.
This rule, he says, is something fairly simple, something vastly less
arcane than the mathematical constructs that conventional physicists
use to explain the dynamics of physical reality. Yet through ceaseless
repetition—by tirelessly taking information it has just transformed and
transforming it further—it has generated pervasive complexity. He calls
this rule, with discernible reverence, "the cause and prime mover of
everything. ... There are three great philosophical questions. What is
life? What is consciousness and thinking and memory and all that? And
how does the universe work?
The Age of Spiritual Machines - When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence
Accelerating Studies Foundation
(previously called ISAC - Institute for the Study of Accelerating Change?)
Accelerating Change audiocasts
- Henry Adams - Law of Acceleration (1904)
- Worldmapper -
"The world as you have never seen it before" ...
A collection of world maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to the
subject of interest ...
Thumbnail Index -
Map Categories:
Basic -
Movement -
Transport -
Food -
Goods -
Manufacturers -
Services -
Resources -
Fuel -
Production -
Work -
Income -
Wealth -
Poverty -
Housing -
Education -
Health -
Disease -
Disaster -
Death -
Destruction -
Violence -
Pollution -
Depletion -
Communication -
Exploitation -
The Elegant Universe -
a fascinating and thought-provoking journey through the mysteries of space, time, and matter.
Brian Greene's excellent 3-hour visual feast, with
outstanding graphical animations explaining string theory (alias "the theory of everything").
Watch The Elegant Universe ... Three 60-minute episodes (QuickTime or RealVideo streaming format)
The Book - "Through the masterful use of metaphor and analogy,
The Elegant Universe
makes some of the most sophisticated concepts ever contemplated viscerally accessible
and thoroughly entertaining, bringing us closer than ever to understanding how the universe works."
Superstring Theory (web site)
Wonderlust -
discusses the fate of flooded man-made and natural wonders of the world (such as Egypt's
temple of Abu Simbel and the Aswan High Dam, plus China's Three Gorges Dam).
Dharma Haven
- The Internet Speculative Fiction Database (ISFDB) -
a community effort to catalog works of fiction [such as "science fiction" -ed.].
It links together various types of bibliographic data: author bibliographies, publication bibliographies,
award listings, magazine content listings, anthology and collection content listings, and forthcoming books.
IBM Research
- IBM Systems Journal
- IBM Think
- Instant JChem
- a desktop application for scientists to manage and work with chemical
structures and data on local and remote data tables. (It is FREE to
download and install Instant JChem Personal to your desktop.)
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